Technical Programme

At the Vienna Motor Symposium, key subjects will be presented by more than 80 speakers from science, the automotive and supplier industries in three lecture halls.
Further in-depth video lectures will be available in addition in "virtual sessions" on the web platform during and after the event.
Below you will find the detailed programme - you can select the individual sessions via the session overview.

The technical programme as PDF can be found here.
The social programme can be found here.

Thursday, 15. May 2025 Festsaal

08:30 at Festsaal


Chairman: B. Geringer, ÖVK
08:30 - 08:45 at Festsaal
Official Opening
08:45 - 09:05 at Festsaal

Markus Heyn, Member of the Board of Management Robert Bosch GmbH, Chairman Bosch Mobility, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart

Asia's New Role in Automotive Industry: Regionalization and Technology Innovations
09:05 - 09:25 at Festsaal

Matias Giannini, CEO, HORSE Powertrain Limited, London

Is There More than One Solution in the Drive Toward Net Zero?
09:25 - 09:45 at Festsaal

Torsten Eder, Vice President Electrified Drive Systems, Mercedes-Benz Cars Development, Stuttgart

Redefining the Future of Drive Systems
09:45 - 10:05 at Festsaal

Frederik Zohm, Executive Board Member for Research & Development / Chief Technology Officer MAN Truck & Bus, MAN Truck & Bus SE, Munich

Our Way to Zero Emission
10:05 - 10:35 at Festsaal
Discussion of the lectures in this session

Coffee Break

11:15 at Festsaal


Chairman: U. Grebe, Vienna University of Technology
11:15 - 11:45 at Festsaal

S. Sagener, Cummins Ltd., Darlington; S. Husain, P. Chandras, N. Sharma, Cummins Technical Centre India, Pune, India

Hybrid Powertrains, a Pragmatic Approach to Decarbonize Heavy-Duty Mobility
11:45 - 12:15 at Festsaal

D. Procházka, K. Bennewitz, L. Hentschel, J. Theobald, M. Düsterhöft, D. Losereit, K. Buehring, A. Gabriel, Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg

Volkswagen Plug-In Hybrid with Electric Rear Axle
12:15 - 12:45 at Festsaal

O. Vollrath, T. Eder, J. Fischer, A. Rehberger, H. Schilling, N. Brinkert, W. Holly, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart; I. Scholten, R. Wang, K. Yang, C. Shi, G. Chen, K. Chen, Aurobay Holding, Ningbo, China

Modular Gasoline Engine MGE: Combined Competence for Worldwide Success – A Cooperation Engine by Mercedes-Benz and Aurobay

Lunch Break

14:30 at Festsaal


Chairman: B. Geringer, ÖVK
14:30 - 15:00 at Festsaal

T. Eder, N. Merdes, S. von Malottki, S. Tyslik, U. Keller, T. Stegmaier, D. Hopp, C. Doerr, M. Hermsen, F. Lampmann, V. Scheinhütte, G. Paul, T. Handschuh, F. Nietfeld, C. Pfeffer, A. Aspacher, P. Deubler, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart

Mercedes-Benz Modular Architecture (MMA): Next Generation BEV by Mercedes-Benz
15:00 - 15:30 at Festsaal

A. Rosen, S. Ender, Z. Weicherding, R. Weingart, DeepDrive GmbH, Garching/Munich

Highly Efficient Dual-Rotor Electric Drives: Setting New Standards in Performance and Cost Efficiency
15:30 - 16:00 at Festsaal

H. Wöhl-Bruhn, K. Bennewitz, L. Hentschel, J. Böhl, S. Vip, P. Arnold, J. Dittmann, E. Lamm, R. Reinhardt,  Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg

More Range and Efficiency: The New MEB APP350 Drive from Volkswagen
16:00 - 16:30 at Festsaal

M. Hackmann, H. Knörzer, J. Pfeuffer, P. Jeckel, P3 Group, Stuttgart

Battery Aging in Practice: Analysis of over 7,000 Vehicles Provide Deep Insights into Battery Life and Vehicle Residual Value

Coffee Break

17:00 at Festsaal


Chairman: S. Pischinger, RWTH Aachen University
17:00 - 17:30 at Festsaal

S. Löser, B. Huneke, W. Kübler, MAN Truck & Bus SE, Nuremberg

The New MAN D3872 V12 Engine with a 30-Liter Displacement Balancing Sustainability, Cost-Effectiveness and Customer Benefits
17:30 - 18:00 at Festsaal

T. Yamamoto, H. Yamashita, E. Nakai, M. Hitomi, Mazda Motor Corporation, Hiroshima, Japan

Contributing to the Environment with Internal Combustion Engines Towards Carbon Neutrality – Research on Pursuing the Potential for Negative CO2 and Exhaust Gas Emissions
18:00 - 18:30 at Festsaal

M. Fleiss, H. Björnsson, Aurobay, Gothenburg; R. Brück, K. Konieczny, L. Pace, Emitec Technologies GmbH, Lohmar

A Cost-Effective Combination of Modern Combustion Engines and Catalyst Designs for Worldwide Applications

Friday, 16. May 2025 Festsaal

08:00 at Festsaal


Chairman: C. Beidl, Technical University of Darmstadt
08:00 - 08:30 at Festsaal

I. Abukar, D. Bothe, P. Peichert, E. Ragnarsson, Frontier Economics Ltd., Cologne

A „Deep Dive“ into EU Fleet Regulation – Is the Regulation Fit for Purpose?
08:30 - 09:00 at Festsaal

N. Alt, F. Richert, T. Lüdiger, A. Balazs, FEV, Aachen

Pass-Car Propulsion Options in EU for 2035 Considering LCA Scenarios
09:00 - 09:30 at Festsaal

A. Fandakov, M. Sens, M. Riess, M. Krause, M. Leesch, K. Mueller, T. Mueller, IAV GmbH, Berlin

From BEV 2 REEV – A Scalable Powertrain-Platform Concept

Coffee Break

10:00 at Festsaal


Chairman: G. Brasseur, Graz University of Technology
10:00 - 10:30 at Festsaal

D. Liebig, M. Gao, J. Brombach, M. Gee, F. Heider, K. Weinreich, A. Chmura, T. Rockstroh, Shell Global Solutions (Germany) GmbH, Hamburg; M. Gollbach, SBRS GmbH, Dinslaken

Charging Solutions for Battery Electric Trucks and Busses
10:30 - 11:00 at Festsaal

S. Yatsuzuka, DENSO CORPORATION, Kariya, Japan; Y. Honma, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Advancing Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer: System Development and Infrastructure Optimization
11:00 - 11:30 at Festsaal

C. Weber, K. Nürnberger, T. Danner, Infineon Technologies AG, Neubiberg; M. Göhring, H. Pegel, E. Richter, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart; A. Fill, K. P. Birke, University of Stuttgart

How Supreme BMS Compute Power Can Leverage End-User Experience and xEV Market Success – Presentation of Future Potential for Fast-Charging Applications Through Real-Time-Capable Implementation of Electro-Chemical Battery Models
11:30 - 12:00 at Festsaal

M. Rudolph, R. Beykirch, A. Averberg, H. Schever, J. Vienenkötter, S. Beschnitt, T. Kaufmann, FEV, Aachen

TP Safety and Aging: Solutions for the Key Challenges of Today’s Batteries from Design, Simulation and Testing

Lunch Break

13:30 at Festsaal


Chairman: B. Geringer, ÖVK
13:30 - 14:00 at Festsaal

T. Brandl, T. Fruth, M. Baumann, A. Lang, R. Schmidt, O. Amann, M. Reinhardt, T. Wasserbäch, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Weissach

The Hybridization of the Iconic Porsche 911
14:00 - 14:30 at Festsaal

A. Weyland, M. Baumann, C. Pleuß, R. Schmidt, M. Wessels, J. Scholz, T. Wasserbäch, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Weissach

The New Porsche 911 GTS T-Hybrid Six-Cylinder Boxer Engine
14:30 - 15:00 at Festsaal

D. Bizzarri, L. Rizzi, G. Bonandrini, Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A., Sant'Agata Bolognese; P. Kapus, D. Hochfellner, AVL List GmbH, Graz

Lamborghini’s New L411, Development of a Biturbo V8 Hybrid to Generate Pure NA Feeling

Coffee Break

15:30 at Festsaal


Chairman: H. Eichlseder, Graz University of Technology
15:30 - 15:50 at Festsaal

Todd Anderson, VP and Chief Technology Officer, PHINIA Inc., Auburn Hills, USA

Alternative Fuels: A Critical Part of the Automotive Decarbonization Pathway
15:50 - 16:10 at Festsaal

Holger Klein, Chief Executive Officer, ZF Group, Friedrichshafen

Innovation as the Engine of Transformation: Shaping an Emission-Free Future
16:10 - 16:30 at Festsaal

Daniel Donghui Li, CEO and Legal Representative, Geely Holding Group, China

Global Strategy of Geely for Automotive Products and Cooperations
16:30 - 16:50 at Festsaal

Kai Grünitz, Member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Brand responsible for "Technical Development", Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg

Volkswagen in Transition – from “Käfer” to SDV
16:50 - 17:15 at Festsaal
Discussion of the lectures in this session
17:15 - 17:30 at Festsaal
Closing Address

Thursday, 15. May 2025 Zeremoniensaal

Coffee Break

11:15 at Zeremoniensaal


Chairman: S. Pischinger, RWTH Aachen University
11:15 - 11:45 at Zeremoniensaal

C. Grete, Akkodis, Wolfsburg; K. Beres, K. Raschke, M. Rottmann, Akkodis, Fellbach; M. Marimon, Akkodis, Munich; O. Hrazdera, Akkodis, Linz

Usability of Emission-Free Drives in Heavy-Duty Transport
11:45 - 12:15 at Zeremoniensaal

C. Bitsis, S. Patil, E.Smith, T. Briggs, S. Patil, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA

Pathways Towards Low CO2 and NOX Emissions – Demonstration of a Heavy-Duty Hybrid Powertrain
12:15 - 12:45 at Zeremoniensaal

E. Christ, MOSOLF SE & Co. KG, Kirchheim unter Teck; M. Müller, J. Schenk, Magility GmbH, Wendlingen am Neckar

Truck to Zero: Strategic Rollout and Heavy Electric Trucks in 24/7 Operational Use. Accelerators and Challenges for the Industrial Transformation

Lunch Break

14:30 at Zeremoniensaal


Chairman: H. Eichlseder, Graz University of Technology
14:30 - 15:00 at Zeremoniensaal

M. Thewes, L. Virnich, A. Dhongde, A. Boberic, FEV, Aachen; P. Zimmer, S. Pischinger, Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems, RWTH Aachen University

Is 30 Bar Mean Effective Pressure the Limit for Spark Ignited Commercial Hydrogen Engines?
15:00 - 15:30 at Zeremoniensaal

L. Liu, G. Suo, Cummins Ltd, Peking, China; Y. Zhang, Cummins Inc, Columbus, USA; H. He, X. Yang, Cummins Ltd, Hubei, China; P. Leggott, Cummins Inc, Darlington, UK; V. Sethi, Cummins Ltd, Pune, India

Cummins 6.7L Direct Injection, Lean Burn Hydrogen Engine for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Commercial Vehicles
15:30 - 16:00 at Zeremoniensaal

C. Barba, J. Lehmann, M. Conitz, D. Erforth, Daimler Truck AG, Stuttgart

H2ICE: An Additional Contribution to Defossilization
16:00 - 16:30 at Zeremoniensaal

J. Ängeby, SEM AB, Åmål; J. Wärnberg, Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Gothenborg; Ö. Andersson, M. Richter, P. Tunestål, Lund University

Developing Hydrogen Fueled SI-ICE for Heavy Duty Applications

Coffee Break

17:00 at Zeremoniensaal


Chairman: A. Kulzer, University of Stuttgart
17:00 - 17:30 at Zeremoniensaal

J. Wärnberg, J. Eismark, L. Andersson, O. Garnemark, A. Safari, F. Rahm, Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Powertrain Strategic Development, Gothenburg/Malmö

A 17L LPDI H2 ICE Concept for the Very Heavy Applications by Volvo Group – Update
17:30 - 18:00 at Zeremoniensaal

A. Arnberger, AVL List GmbH, Graz; E. Olofsson, Scania AB, Södertälje; D. Mumford, Cespira, Vancouver, Canada

Commercial Hydrogen Engine with HPDI: Roadmap to High Efficiency, Zero CO2 and Zero Pollutants
18:00 - 18:30 at Zeremoniensaal

M. Eiböck, P. Loidolt, D. Jeitler, T. Stepan, SAG - Salzburger Aluminium Gruppe, Lend

Liquid Hydrogen as Attractive Energy Storage Solution for Railway Applications

Friday, 16. May 2025 Zeremoniensaal

08:00 at Zeremoniensaal


Chairman: H. Eichlseder, Graz University of Technology
08:00 - 08:30 at Zeremoniensaal

B. Shin, C. H. Yu, T. W. Hwang, J. H. Lee, J. Yun, S. B. Kim, Hyundai Motor Company, Namyang, Republic of Korea; R. Pelzetter, M. Peppler, S. Hoffmann, Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH, Rüsselsheim; P. Gaillard, E. Laigle, C. Chaillou, Aramco Fuel Research Centre, Rueil-Malmaison; C. Schück, T. Rabe, E. Schünemann, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart; C. Tomanik, Umicore AG & Co. KG, Hanau

Emission Concept and Calibration for a Lean Burn Hydrogen Engine Hybrid Powertrain in a Passenger Car Application
08:30 - 09:00 at Zeremoniensaal

C. Reitmayr, P. Hofmann, Institute of Powertrain and Automotive Technology (IFA), Vienna University of Technology; O. Weber, J. Leberwurst, S. Sulzer, J. Broz, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Herzogenaurach; F. Zahradnik, Austro Engine GmbH, Wiener Neustadt

Innovative H2-DI Injector with Cycle-Specific Injection Patterns for Next-Generation Light Aircraft Propulsion
09:00 - 09:30 at Zeremoniensaal

D. Bansal, Chevron Oronite LLC, USA; M. Schneider, P. Grabner, Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA), Graz University of Technology; G. Lurf, N. J. Kunder, M. Wieser, AVL List GmbH, Graz

Understanding Lubricant Induced Pre-Ignition in Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engines

Coffee Break

10:00 at Zeremoniensaal


Chairman: A. Kulzer, University of Stuttgart
10:00 - 10:30 at Zeremoniensaal

T. Stoll, H.-J. Berner, FKFS, Stuttgart; A. Kulzer, Institute of Automotive Engineering, University of Stuttgart

Holistic Optimization of Heavy Duty Trucks with Fuel Cell Hybrid Powertrains
10:30 - 11:00 at Zeremoniensaal

R. Döbereiner, C. Schörghuber, A. Schenk, T. Schubert, B. Stöckl, AVL List GmbH, Graz

Fuel Cell Powered Commercial Vehicles – Solutions of the Next Generation Vehicles
11:00 - 11:30 at Zeremoniensaal

M. Zubel, N. Weidler, J. Köhler, S. Hollnaicher, N. Loughlan, T. Braun, J. Blum, cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG, Kirchheim unter Teck 

The Next Generation of Fuel Cell Drives: Breakthrough in Efficiency and Performance for Heavy-Duty Long-Haul Transport
11:30 - 12:00 at Zeremoniensaal

C. Zinner, M. Weber, HyCentA Research GmbH, Graz; M. Ufert, Fraunhofer Institut IVI, Dresden; D. Lechleitner, M. Hofstetter, Technische Universität Graz; B. Lechner, C. Doppler, Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH, Graz; M. Grimm, Muniq Design GmbH, München; M. Lenk, Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V., Chemnitz

Fuel Cell Vehicle for Mining and Construction Environment

Lunch Break

13:30 at Zeremoniensaal


Chairman: U. Grebe, Vienna University of Technology
13:30 - 14:00 at Zeremoniensaal

J. N. Geiler, E. Schünemann, Power Solutions, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart; C. Weber, K. M. Springer, Ford-Werke GmbH, Cologne

H2 Engine Hybrid Powertrain – Attractive Solution for Future Light Commercial Vehicles
14:00 - 14:30 at Zeremoniensaal

R. Golisano, F. C. Pesce, S. Trimboli, Dumarey Automotive Italia SpA, Turino; G. De Paz Alcolado, Horse Powertrain Ltd, Valladolid; O. Coureau, Renault Group, Guyancourt; P. Gaillard, Aramco Overseas, Paris

Development of Hydrogen Direct Injection System as Retrofit Solution for Diesel-Based Light Commercial Vehicles
14:30 - 15:00 at Zeremoniensaal

E. Laigle, C. Chaillou, P. Gaillard, Aramco Europe, Rueil-Malmaison; D. Baralon, PHINIA, Blois; J. Hinault, A. Leclerc, CERTAM, Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray; A. Chiffey, F. Moreau, Johnson Matthey, Royston; J. Goja, A. Wille, NGK, Kronberg

Optimizing Emission Control System for a H2-ICE Powertrain Concept for a Light-Commercial Vehicle to Meet Stringent Euro 7 Standards

Coffee Break

Thursday, 15. May 2025 Galerie

08:30 at Galerie

Live Broadcast of the Plenary Opening Session

Coffee Break

11:15 at Galerie


Chairman: C. Beidl, Technical University of Darmstadt
11:15 - 11:45 at Galerie

W. Tillmetz, Ulm University; E. Jacob, Bodman-Ludwigshafen

Energy Transition in Transportation: Clean Power Comes Out of the Grid at Any Time and as Much as We Need – Right?
11:45 - 12:15 at Galerie

T. Koch, O. Toedter, P. Weber, KIT, Karlsruhe

Limits of a One-Dimensional Technology Strategy – The Influence of the Electrical Energy System on Electromobility
12:15 - 12:45 at Galerie

A. Wimmer, N. Wermuth, Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA), Graz University of Technology / LEC GmbH, Graz; M. Malin, G. Pirker, LEC GmbH, Graz

Pathways to the Decarbonization of Oceangoing Vessels – From Hydrogen Engines to On-Board Carbon Capture Concepts

Lunch Break

14:30 at Galerie


Chairman: W. Böhme, ÖVK
14:30 - 15:00 at Galerie

S. Meyer-Salfeld, S. Arndt, BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG, Gunskirchen; M. Schermann, BRP-Rotax Vienna GmbH, Kottingbrunn

Sustainable Powertrain Development for Powersports Applications
15:00 - 15:30 at Galerie

P. Schöggl, D. Grillenberger, P. Kapus, AVL List GmbH, Graz

Innovative Motorsport-Powertrains for Sustainable Fuels
15:30 - 16:00 at Galerie

C. Reitmayr, F. Kleissner, P. Hofmann, Institute of Powertrain and Automotive Technology (IFA), Vienna University of Technology; F. Zahradnik, Austro Engine GmbH, Wiener Neustadt; A. Q. Clark, Air BP Ltd., Middlesex

Use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels in a Compression-Ignition Piston Aircraft Engine
16:00 - 16:30 at Galerie

B. Gomot, G. Dober, PHINIA, Belval; G. Meissonnier, O. Trotignon, J. C. Oge, N. Cezon, C. Barlet, PHINIA, Blois; D. Moreno, PHINIA, Juarez, Mexico; M. Passos, R. Krenus, PHINIA, Piracicaba, Brazil; G. J. Scott, P. Von Bacho, PHINIA, Rochester, USA 

Alternative Fuels: A Critical Part of the Automotive Decarbonization Pathway

Coffee Break

17:00 at Galerie


Chairman: P. Hofmann, Vienna University of Technology
17:00 - 17:30 at Galerie

C. Hagauer, Miba Frictec GmbH, Roitham am Traunfall; R. Hellein, H. Rößler, A. Müller, Miba Sinter Austria GmbH, Vorchdorf

Key Components for Performance and Efficiency in the Electrified Drivetrain
17:30 - 18:00 at Galerie

C. Dassler, A. Kinigadner, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Herzogenaurach

Portfolio in Motion – New Schaeffler Electric Axle Drives
18:00 - 18:30 at Galerie

P. De Araujo, Z. Hu, S. Jordan, F. Tomanec, J. Pikula, A. Borra, M. Rakoci, A. Bouaita, Garrett Advancing Motion, France/Germany/Czech Republic/Switzerland

On the Opportunities and Challenges of High-Speed Electric Powertrain and Garrett’s Differentiated Technology

Friday, 16. May 2025 Galerie

08:00 at Galerie


Chairman: P. Hofmann, Vienna University of Technology
08:00 - 08:30 at Galerie

U. C. Blessing, L. Art, T. Möllert, MAHLE Thermal and Fluid Systems, Stuttgart

Efficient Thermal Management – Key Technology for Cost-Optimized Electric Vehicles
08:30 - 09:00 at Galerie

H. Chakida, DENSO CORPORATION, Kariya, Japan

Holistic Approach for Thermal Energy Management of Battery Electric Vehicles
09:00 - 09:30 at Galerie

M. Strassburg, V. Iyappan, BorgWarner, Nuremberg; T. Alfermann, BorgWarner, Kokomo, USA; A. Mayer, J. Deussen, H. Nanjundaswamy, BorgWarner, Auburn Hills, USA; L. Louco, Asheville, USA

Compact Double-Sided Cooling for High-Current-Density 800V SiC Power Module from BorgWarner

Coffee Break

10:00 at Galerie


Chairman: W. Böhme, ÖVK
10:00 - 10:30 at Galerie

J. Op de Beeck, OPmobility, Brussels; T. Bertin, A. Fouque, K. Potaczek, L. Duez, O. Scandola, OPmobility, Compiègne; C. Maugy, Y. Raynaud, T. Campenon, OPmobility, Paris 

Energy Storage Assessment Towards Lowest Life Cycle CO2 Footprint
10:30 - 11:00 at Galerie

M. Sens, M. Riess, A. Fandakov, J. Brauns, P. Grigoriadis, M. Roehe, T. Mueller, IAV GmbH, Berlin

Hydrogen, Methanol or Ammonia, an Evaluation from Production to Energy Conversion
11:00 - 11:30 at Galerie

Y. Shen,  Y. Li, Z. Song, T. Li, J. He, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., Ltd, Hangzhou, China

Methanol Economy Towards Carbon Neutrality
11:30 - 12:00 at Galerie

L. Mauler, C. Prié, Porsche Consulting GmbH, Frankfurt / Munich

Unlocking the Potential of eFuels – Market Volumes & Success Factors in Transition Fleets

Lunch Break

13:30 at Galerie


Chairman: L. Eckstein, RWTH Aachen University
13:30 - 14:00 at Galerie

D. Wollschläger, K. Wawra, hofer powertrain, Nürtingen / Vienna

xONEsolutions: Redefining EV Powertrains with Future-Ready Architectures and Technologies for Maximum Cost Savings
14:00 - 14:30 at Galerie

H. Karaçali, TTTech Auto, Izmir, Türkiye

4SDV: A Holistic Approach to Safety and Security in Software-Defined Vehicles
14:30 - 15:00 at Galerie

S. Fischer, P. Müller, CARIAD, Mönsheim; S. Gruner, CARIAD, Wolfsburg; M. Lachmayr, L. Michel, CARIAD, Ingolstadt; T. Schneider, N. Boeckhorst, CARIAD, Kassel; K. Riedl, CARIAD, Munich

Building a Scalable Software Platform for Electric Drive Systems

Coffee Break

15:30 at Galerie

Live Broadcast of the Plenary Closing Session

Virtueller Saal


H. Nanjundaswamy, J. Deussen, A. Mayer, BorgWarner, Auburn Hills, USA; A. Apelsmeier, BorgWarner, Nürnberg; L. Louco, BorgWarner, Asheville, USA; K. Schten, BorgWarner, Kokomo, USA; P. David, BorgWarner, Bascharage

A Step Beyond Two, Next Generation Multi-Level Traction Inverter with Clean Wave Technology

S. Mafrici, C. M. Meano, V. Madonna, F. Magni, Dumarey Automotive Italia SpA, Torino; A. Tenconi, Department of Energy “Galileo Ferraris”, Politecnico di Torino

Electric Motor Design for Circular Economy

M. Issoglio, P. Fervier, P. Cataldi, Freudenberg Sealing Technologies, Pinerolo

Freudenberg Sealing Technologies Thermal Barriers: A Variety of Different Solutions to Make Future of E-Vehicle Safe

D. Schubert, MdynamiX AG, Munich; S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, University of Applied Sciences Munich

Active Reduction of Noise Emissions from Electric Drives


L. Schubert, M. A. Arias Torres, C. Lex, Institute of Automotive Engineering (FTG), Graz University of Technology; S. Bigl, G. Steiner, AVL List GmbH, Graz

Optimizing Tire Wear Particle Emission Measurement: Insights from Outer Drum Testing with an Enclosed System

G. Lischka, W. ToberInstitute of Powertrain and Automotive Technology (IFA), Vienna University of Technology

New Methodological Approach for Determining Historical and Forecasting Future TTW Emissions from Country-Specific Vehicle Fleets

F. Leach, University of Oxford; N. Molden, Emissions Analytics, Oxford

Influence of Vehicle Mass on RDE Tailpipe Emissions from over 1000 Vehicles


S. C. Konradt, J. C. Jeske, A. M. Müller, H. S. Rottengruber, Institute for Mobile Systems (IMS), Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg

Optimal Configuration of a High-Pressure Hydrogen Tank


C. Frühwirth, R. Lorbeck, E. Schutting, H. Eichlseder, Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA), Graz University of Technology

Advanced Radiator Design with Water Spray Injection to Enhance the Cooling Performance in FCEV

B. Lechner, C. Doppler, D. Schlüter, A. Romero Mancebo, R. Schruth, M. Waltenberger, Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH, Graz; W. Luftensteiner, G. Außermayr, Rosenbauer International AG, Leonding; R. Balbach, AC agility consulting GmbH, Altmünster

Designing at the Limits – Specialized Vehicles with Fuel Cell Drive


S. Metzler, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart / Institut für Fahrzeugantriebe und Automobiltechnik (IFA), Technische Universität Wien; F. Winke, M. Jungen, S. Schmiedler, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart; P. Hofmann, B. Geringer, Institut für Fahrzeugantriebe und Automobiltechnik (IFA), Technische Universität Wien

Predictive Energy Management Strategy for Dominant-Electric Hybrid Electric Vehicles

P. Grabner, K. Gschiel, H. Eichlseder, Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA), Graz University of Technology; H. Hick, P. Kopsch, Institute of Machine Components and Methods of Development (IME), Graz University of Technology

Analysis of the Piston-Bore Interface with Regard to Friction, Combustion Anomalies and Oil Consumption on a Hydrogen Engine

Programme as PDF

The entire programme of the Vienna Motor Symposium (technical and social programme) can be found below as a PDF for download.

Download (as of December 2024)

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