45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Electrification of Long-Haul Freight Transport: A Comparative Study of Battery Swapping and Megawatt Charging for Long-Haul Trucks


B. Satvat, M. Alworikat, O. Kulkarni, P3 automotive GmbH, Stuttgart:



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This paper examines the significant role of the transportation sector in global CO2 emissions, focusing on the electrification of heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) as a means to achieve sustainable energy goals. It delves into a comprehensive comparison of battery swapping and the Megawatt Charging System (MCS) as emerging technological solutions, analysing their impact on the HDV charging infrastructure. The study highlights the efficiency of battery swapping in reducing operational downtime and its potential to streamline the transition of electric trucks towards the operational efficiency of diesel trucks. It also assesses the ultra-fast charging capabilities of MCS and the universal application of the Combined Charging System (CCS). Drawing on the German HoLa project and other real-world implementations, the paper contrasts the strengths – such as the reduced downtime of battery swapping and the flexibility of MCS – and weaknesses, including the high initial investment for battery swapping and the energy demands of MCS. It outlines the opportunities in safety and electromobility advancements while also considering the threats posed by the evolution of MCS charging rates and the risks of single point of failures in battery swapping. Conclusively, the study offers a vision for the future of battery swapping stations as multifunctional hubs within the sustainable mobility landscape and underscores the strategic importance of each technology in the shift towards more efficient and environmentally friendly freight transportation.





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