Lecture Search
Lecture Search Instructions
The lecture search enables you to search according to lecture titles, authors and companies (search keywords) of the International Vienna Motor Symposia as from the 3rd International Vienna Motor Symposium (1981).
Search results are lecture title with all details about author(s) and company affiliation as well as information about the event, the event year and the source.
Participants of the International Vienna Motor Symposium with valid login have the possibility to download all lecture texts directly from the search result.
Members of the Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers (ÖVK) obtain access to the lecture texts via the ÖVK-Website
Search Instruction
Enter the required search subject or part of the search subject in the above search field. When searching for several references, please separate each search subject with a blank space. The search result is listed according to correlation and date.
Search request "inject" will provide possible results: inject, injection, injector ...
Documents and lectures are available here for download for participants of the International Vienna Motor Symposia.
Members of the Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers (ÖVK) have access to lectures of the symposium on the ÖVK website www.oevk.at.
P. Grabner, K. Gschiel, H. Eichlseder, Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA), Graz University of Technology; H. Hick, P. Kopsch, Institute of Machine Components and Methods of Development (IME), Graz University of Technology
S. Metzler, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart / Institut für Fahrzeugantriebe und Automobiltechnik (IFA), Technische Universität Wien; F. Winke, M. Jungen, S. Schmiedler, Mercedes-Benz AG, Stuttgart; P. Hofmann, B. Geringer, Institut für Fahrzeugantriebe und Automobiltechnik (IFA), Technische Universität Wien
B. Lechner, C. Doppler, D. Schlüter, A. Romero Mancebo, R. Schruth, M. Waltenberger, Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH, Graz; W. Luftensteiner, G. Außermayr, Rosenbauer International AG, Leonding; R. Balbach, AC agility consulting GmbH, Altmünster
C. Frühwirth, R. Lorbeck, E. Schutting, H. Eichlseder, Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems (ITnA), Graz University of Technology
M. Hackmann, H. Knörzer, J. Pfeuffer, P. Jeckel, P3 Group, Stuttgart
S. C. Konradt, J. C. Jeske, A. M. Müller, H. S. Rottengruber, Institute for Mobile Systems (IMS), Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg
F. Leach, University of Oxford; N. Molden, Emissions Analytics, Oxford
G. Lischka, W. Tober, Institute of Powertrain and Automotive Technology (IFA), Vienna University of Technology
L. Schubert, M. A. Arias Torres, C. Lex, Institute of Automotive Engineering (FTG), Graz University of Technology; S. Bigl, G. Steiner, AVL List GmbH, Graz
D. Schubert, MdynamiX AG, Munich; S. Hecker, S. Sentpali, University of Applied Sciences Munich