Conference Reports

Please find below the abstracts of lectures presented at the previous Vienna International Motor Symposia for free downloading. The complete conference documentation including all lectures of the preceding symposia has been published in the VDI Progress Reports (Association of German Engineers), series 12, Traffic Technology and Vehicle Engineering, and may be ordered here or by e-mail (mail to: info[at], re. ordering conference reports).

The 45th International Vienna Motor Symposium 24 - 26 April 2024

Transition / Strategic Development, Electric Powertrains / Electric Vehicles & Charging Innovations, Battery Systems – Recycling, E-Fuels / Direct Air Capture, New PHEV & BEV Powertrains, H2 Fuel Cell & H2 Engines for Commercial
Vehicles, Emission Reduction, H2 Engine – New Developments & Maximum Performance Solutions, Electric Batteries / Electric Components & Manufacturing, New ICE – SI Engine / Hybridization, Electric Batteries / Electric Architecture & Cooling, LCA / TCO of the Powertrain for Passenger Cars and Commercial Vehicles

File Type: PDF DocumentPDF File Size: 193 KB

The 40th International Wiener Motor Symposium 15th - 17th May 2019

Topics: New Engines and Transmission, Engine and Transmission/Powertrain Development, Powertrain Electrification, New Acceptance Criteria, Fuel Supply, Future Mobility

File Type: PDF DocumentPDF File Size: 4 MB

The 39th International Vienna Motor Symposium 26th - 27th April 2018

Topics: New Otto and Diesel Engines, Future Fuels, New Powertrains and Transmissions for Heavy Duty Vehicles, New Combustion Processes, Engine Control, Electric Drives, Hybrids, Innovative Systems of Emission Control, Fuel Cells

File Type: PDF DocumentPDF File Size: 7 MB

The 38th International Vienna Motor Symposium 27th - 28th April 2017

Topics: Latest Results in Worldwide Engine and Powertrain Development, Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Infrastructure, Fuels and Components, Drivetrain Electrification, Connectivity, Autonomous Driving, Hybrid Technology, Real Driving Emissions (RDE), CO2 Reduction, Exhaust Emission Control

File Type: PDF DocumentPDF File Size: 4 MB

The 37th International Vienna Motor Symposium 28th - 29th April, 2016

Topics: Latest Results in Worldwide Engine and Powertrain Development, Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Infrastructure, Fuels and Components, Drivetrain Electrification, Connectivity, Autonomous Driving, Hybrid Technology, Real Driving Emissions (RDE), CO2 Reduction, Exhaust Emission Control

File Type: PDF DocumentPDF File Size: 3 MB

The 36th International Vienna Motor Symposium. May 7th and 8th, 2015

Topics: Latest Results in Worldwide Engine and Powertrain Development, Fuel Cell, Hydrogen and Infrastructure, Fuels and Components, Drivetrain Electrification, Connectivity, Autonomous Driving, Hybrid Technology, Real Driving Emissions (RDE), CO2 Reduction, Exhaust Emission Control

File Type: PDF DocumentPDF File Size: 5 MB

The 35th Vienna International Motor Symposium, May 8th and 9th, 2014

Topics: New Gasoline and Diesel Engines, The Future Potential of Gasoline/Diesel Engines, Engine Mechanics, New Fuels, Energy Storage / Electrification, Drive Trains, Engine Components, Gas Engines for Commercial Vehicles, New Testing Methods, Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment, Outlook on the Future

File Type: PDF DocumentPDF File Size: 8 MB

The 34th International Vienna Motor Symposium, April 25th and 26th, 2013

Topics: New Gasoline and Diesel Engines, Combustion Processes and Fuels, Mobility and Fuels, Engine Mechanics, Co-operation, Engine Management, Injection Procedures, Validation, Electrification, Drive Trains, Supercharging, Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment, Outlook on the Future

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File Type: PDF DocumentPDF File Size: 2 MB