37th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Simulation-Based Development Methodology for Future Emission Legislation


Dr.-Ing. H. Baumgarten, Dr.-Ing. J. Scharf, Dr.-Ing. M. Thewes, Dr.-Ing. T. Uhlmann, Dipl.-Ing. A. Balazs, FEV GmbH, Aachen; M.Sc. M. Böhmer, RWTH Aachen University



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Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 12, Nr. 799


Increasing development efforts are required to meet legislation targets, especially concern-ing the Euro 6d-TEMP particle number (PN) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emission limits for DI gasoline engines under consideration of the upcoming real driving emissions (RDE) legislation. This paper describes an approach supporting development decisions in an ear-ly stage to ensure compliance with emission legislation limits. In a first step a methodology for emission simulation is presented. In a second step driver and route parameters, such as driver aggressiveness, traffic situations and weather conditions are varied via Design of Experiments (DoE). This approach is capable of deriving the most challenging scenario regarding PN or NOx for any given vehicle-powertrain combination. An “RDE Lead Scenar-io” is used to determine powertrain components, operating strategies and control func-tions.

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