40th International Vienna Motor Symposium
The New Hyundai-Kia 2.2L 4-Cylinder Diesel Engine – Smartstream D2.2 FR
D. Choi PhD, Y.-S. Kang MSc, I.-C. Cheong MSc, Y.-R. Chung MSc, J.-K. Lee MSc, J. Chun MSc, Hyundai Motor Group, Namyang, South Korea
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Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 12, Nr. 811
As a new standard (Euro6d, WLTP and RDE Step 2) comes in effect in January 2020, most of the current R-series 2-liter standard class diesel engines from Hyundai-Kia Motor Company (HKMC) will be replaced by new diesel engines in a couple of years.
The paper deals with HKMC new diesel engine, Smartstream D2.2 FR that is referred to as in-house code "D4HII 2.2 FR". This engine will be the first 2-liter class debut engine among third generation HKMC diesel engines. On the basis of development background and purpose, key design concept, development objectives, core technologies that influenced design change and benefits are discussed in the paper greater in detail.
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