45th International Vienna Motor Symposium

HyMot: H2 Engine Optimized for Light Commercial Vehicle Applications with Near-Zero Emissions


O. Coureau, Renault Group, Guyancourt; B. Dauverchain, J.-B. Leroy, Robert Bosch France, Saint Ouen; G. Aufranc, Forvia, Bavans; B. Corbières, Alpine, Viry-Châtillon; B. Griffaton, TotalEnergies, Courbevoie; N. Perrot, Ecole Centrales Nantes; X. Gautrot, IFP Energies Nouvelles, Rueil-Malmaison; R. Grizivatz, Ose Engineering, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse:



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HyMot is a 3-year project supported by ADEME and operated in a Consortium made of 8 partners (Alpine, Bosch, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Forvia, IFPEN, OSE Engineering, Renault, TotalEnergies). The goal of the project is to develop from an almost blank sheet a H2 Engine optimized for the upper range of the Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV) market. As challenging objectives, the H2 Engine must demonstrate the same full torque curve as the replaced Diesel while complying with extreme emissions regulations (Clove B targeted, more stringent than current EU7 scenario). The engine will be first tested at the dyno. Then a demo-car (Renault Master) will validate the results in real life conditions.





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