41st International Vienna Motor Symposium

Modular and Scalable System Integration for Electric Vehicles: BENTELER and BOSCH Continue to Develop Their E-Mobility Platform


Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. M. Kollmeier, BENTELER Automobiltechnik GmbH, Paderborn;
Dipl.-Ing. U. Schulmeister, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart



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Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 12, Nr. 813


The market for battery electric vehicles („Battery Electric Vehicles“, BEV) has caused a paradigm shift in vehicle design. With the integration of an electric powertrain, the entire structure and architecture of the vehicle is changing. In addition to new vehicle types, new market models such as shared economy are emerging, which are difficult to implement with traditional automotive engineering solutions. Scalability, modularization and system integration based on platform solutions are the new drivers for the realization of BEVs to become a reality.
Based on the Electric Drive System, BENTELER and Bosch have developed a ready-to-run modular platform in a development cooperation. This is scalable from pre-integrated components and sub-systems to modules and even an entire Rolling Chassis. Mechanical and functional system integration of chassis, crash management, electrical powertrain, steering and brake system as well as E/E architecture ensures that the platform provides optimum system tuning. The platform is optimized for efficiency and performance and has already proven its capabilities in operation. The interfaces to other functional groups of the vehicle are specified. This reduces development effort and time-to-market for automobile manufacturers.
The presentation by Marco Kollmeier and Ulrich Schulmeister shows the detailed structure of the Electric Drive System and the advantages of mechanical and functional system integration.

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