44th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Combustion Engines for Effective Low CO2 Emissions


Dipl.-Ing. F. C. de Rizzo, A. Ferrarese MSc, Tupy S.A., Joinville; Dr. R. Marquard, Tupy Europe, Arnhem:



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Climate change and inequality are the main challenges for humanity. Any decarbonization solution needs to be effective in entire life cycle and affordable, prioritizing economic viable decarbonization. The annual increase of renewable energy is equivalent to one third of total increase on demand, which generates fossil fuel consumption to increase annually in absolute figures. Then bio and synthetic fuels become very interesting solutions using Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), as well a transition with smarter combination of fossil fuels and renewable fuels. In that matter, the future will have several solutions (regional and technical focused), which can be called a multi-energy future for transportation.

The challenge to strive for nearly net CO2 free transportation solutions, which must be commercially feasible and in relative short time available, demands to rethink the role of supplier and OEM. It is critical to partner in R&D and manufacturing once production niche will be different from the number of solutions or regions. In a similar direction, solutions need to be effective from production to recycling stages. Key-Suppliers of OEMs, like Tupy, will have another role to develop new technologies and to support series production with full solutions.

The paper describes the challenges for humanity and how to cope with the combination of fast decarbonization process using existing technologies for effective transition in life cycle perspective and continue to improve them, not to abandon them. Actual results from demonstration projects linked to Ethanol, Biomethane, HVO, H2 and electrification are presented and discussed.



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