44th International Vienna Motor Symposium
Towards a Sustainable Vehicle Concept Part 1: The High-Voltage Battery – Technologies and Methods
Dipl.-Ing. M. Sens, Dr.-Ing. A. Fandakov, Dipl.-Ing. M. Clauß, Dr.-Ing. J. Werfel, P. Tourlonias, M. Prüger MSc, E. Özkan, MSc, Dr.-Ing. C. Danzer, Dr. rer. nat. C. Kruschel, Dipl.-Ing. S. Meyer, Dr.-Ing. A. Joos, Dipl.-Ing. M. Kratzsch, IAV GmbH, Berlin:
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In addition to cost, performance and safety, sustainability is becoming increasingly important with sustainable powertrain concepts with a minimal CO2 footprint being of utmost importance for achieving the agreed CO2 targets in the transportation sector. Not only battery electric vehicles, but also fuel cell and hybrid powertrain systems are considered important contributors in this context – the latter if operated with CO2-neutral fuels. What these powertrain types have in common is that they all require a battery as an energy storage device, even if of distinct sizes and with different design. Hence, the need for batteries is expected to grow drastically with the share of CO2-optimized powertrain concepts in the fleet increasing. For electrochemical energy storage systems to meet future material cycle requirements, but also due to the demand for higher energy densities with longer lifetimes at lower prices, the pressure to further develop today's still majorly lithium-ion battery systems is very high. Maximizing the pace and improving the cost-efficiency of the development process can only be achieved with a well-established methodology and reliable tools. To make this development as fast and cost-efficient as possible, advanced methods and reliable tools must be available in addition to the technology itself. This publication presents and discusses a new technological approach for battery systems, the Twin Battery, elaborated with the help of advanced development methods and tools. Based on a benchmark of current and future cell chemistries and their properties, the new concept is developed and classified with respect to functionality, efficiency, power and energy density as well as its impact on sustainability.
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